Benefits of Sidr Honey
Sidr Honey is one of the finest and most famous honey in the world with its distinctive Sidr aroma and dark color. It has a cohesive texture and has a moderately sweet taste. This delicious honey delight is considered to be a luxury and its experience is said to be rich and unforgettable. People who have tried Sidr honey are said to be “enchanted” by the taste. Taaber Sidr Honey as a raw, unadulterated, and unpasteurized coming all the way from Karak, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan. That place is considered as a hub of sidr trees. The first lick of this honey is enough to make your taste buds ask for more as they wouldn’t have experienced such a taste before.
Health Benefits:
Sidr honey helps to improve digestion, boosts immunity, lowers bad cholesterol level and helps to lose weight.
It has been found very useful for aged and pregnant women due to high mineral contents in it.
Nutritional value:
Normally, sidr honey is rich in minerals and vitamins. The other unique quality of sidr honey is its pH value range. Usually all types of raw honey are slightly acidic in nature (pH ranging from 4.0 to 6.0) while, Organic Sidr Honey is an exception. Because its pH value ranges from 7.1-7.4 and this value is close to our blood pH value so it dissolve in our blood in few seconds and surely provide a good source of energy.
What makes Sidr Honey Special?
Sidr honey is popular because of its exquisite taste and its health benefits as a natural medicine. Sidr honey is made from bees who only feed on the nectar of the Sidr tree which has been historically sacred and has been used frequently in the field of medicine and health in various ways. It is a known anti-biotic and anti-bacterial agent and there are other numerous benefits which can have a positive impact on your daily diet.
Sidr honey is also recognized for its high levels of antioxidants, its ability to strengthen your immune system and its role in reducing or eliminating allergies. Medium to dark amber in color and thick but pourable, Sidr Honey is pleasant to consume with only a slight medicinal aftertaste that is much more subtle than that of Manuka or Eucalyptus honey.
For best results, use one teaspoon in morning and one at night to boost general health and vitality.